Find out about BitSolver Limited and the products and service we have to help your business grow.About BitSolver Limited

BitSolver specialises in providing software development services.  We are not another typical “Web Design” or “Search Engine Optimization” company.  We won’t promise to get your website to the top of search engines such as Google, because nobody can.  When developing a website we will advise you on how to design your site so search engines can locate content easily.


Currently BitSolver can offer the following services:

  • Website design and development.
  • Website hosting.
  • Bespoke application development.
  • Technical Consultation regarding IT Systems / Websites / Application development.

Open Source / Open Standards:

At BitSolver we fully support Open Source software and Open Standards as this reduces the Total Cost of Ownership of a system and has the benefit of increased security and reliability.  All our work is developed and hosted on a Linux platform, currently CentOS 5 and 7.  We are happy to work with other Linux Distributions if required.  All our documents are created using LibreOffice.

If you would like to find out more about how we can help your business then please contact us on 01278 287735 or email [email protected]